Bobaloo Timothy Leary was signing autographs with the phrase, "Do what thou will," during the mid-eighties. Seems about right.
Thodin Thorsson Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, from The Book of the Law. And to those who believe Alleister Crowley a satanist, READ A BOOK! You may learn something. The snake medallion in The Neverending Story is one of the various forms of the Ouroboros.
Thodin Thorsson The Law of Thelema
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt.
It's from The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley, who, by the way, was not a satanist. Most Pagan, Wiccan and Satanic Sects have borrowed alot from the teachings of Thelema and Aleister Crowley.
Melissa It is a Crowley quote! I love it!